show overview
staging our show
Mythos: Ragnarök is unique in the world. Written, produced and performed entirely by professional wrestlers, it consistently defies theatrical expectations by doing so much with so little.
Whether you’re interested in a one-off performance for 1000 people, a festival run on the other side of the world, or bringing the show into your 700 seat theatre for weeks on end, we have done it all in our short existence.
If you’re not familiar with our show, please take a moment to watch this brief overview:

Performance Info
The whole show loads into the back of our van, goes up in a morning and comes down in an hour.
A famously delightful cast, minimal set-up and barely any tidy up makes us the perfect in-house show.
90 Mins
We perform two 45 minute halves with a 15 - 20 minute interval, then meet and greet the audience afterwards.
Our show has been performed in six countries, translated into two other language, and received rave reviews around the world.
We perform in thrust, end-on and in-the-round for audiences of 300 - 1500. We adapt our show for each new venue.
We are suitable for most ages, but advise parents to consider how their children will respond to wrestling and loud music.
handy downloads
Overview and Reviews
Click here to download a short presentation about what we do and read some of the reviews we have been given over the years.
Tour Rider
Our tour rider includes details about our required performance space, transport and tech requirements.
frequently asked questions
It’s both. Our production is primarily a storytelling show; the wrestling takes place when conflicts need to be settled by combat. All in all, it’s about half theatre and half wrestling.
We safely perform six or seven shows per week, every week. We have performed an average of 60 shows per year every year for 4 years.
We tend to limit matinees to one per week, but this is open to discussion.
Ed wrote and runs the whole project himself, from the bookings and promotion to the production and direction.
At festivals we can get the show up in 20 minutes and down in 10 minutes.
In theatres we start setting up around 10am ready for doors at 6pm.
For residencies, we create a bespoke show over a number of days.
We can, but we don’t. The art of wrestling is best and most safely represented in a wrestling ring or on a specially-constructed platform like ours.